lms meaning
Learning Management System – meaning and goals

Learning Management System – meaning and goals

In today’s fast-paced work environment, organizations and businesses need to keep their team up to date with the latest trends and methods for each industry. How to effectively and cheaply train your team? This is possible thanks to the LMS (Learning Management System).

How important is it to use LMS?

Thanks to the fully automated LMS, you can easily prepare training for your employees, add exams to the course program, define the conditions for passing and issue certificates for people who have passed the final exam, and much more. You can also add pre-recorded lecture or class videos, photos, and audio files to your course.

Instead of spending time every month, semester, or year training staff, gathering everyone in one room for a class or lecture, then taking a traditional exam that has to be manually assessed – which takes time and a lot of money for everyone (which is why many companies skip this part but since you are reading this, you are probably not one of them) – you can save this time and a lot of money by using the LMS for one-time preparation of your courses and exams.

You will share them online with your employees and ask them to complete the training on your own devices (during or outside working hours). Exams are marked automatically, and you will be notified by email when you complete your course or exam. Much easier, right?

What are the goals of the LMS?

The main purpose of the LMS is to manage the learning process (the name of the Learning Management System is quite obvious). It is a system because it works in an automated, predetermined manner. We can also say that system is a fancy word for software. Decide for yourself what you like more.

Basically, Learning Management Systems have been developed to make your (and your staff’s) life easier. And we at Easy LMS want to make it even easier because our software (as the name suggests) is very intuitive and easy to use. No, you don’t need to be a specialist to start creating amazing courses and exams. All you need is computer and internet access, and you’re done! Start creating your first course now and see for yourself!

What is gamification in LMS?

Below we explain the importance of gamification in LMS and some of its benefits.

Learning through play – what could be better? Gamification is about more than just games. While the name may imply that it is about video game entertainment, it actually covers a lot more. Surprised? Gamification in LMS means that you apply game design concepts to applications that are not.

Advantages of gamification in LMS


Motivates you to learn. By increasing the involvement of students, you will improve the effectiveness of teaching. You have more happy students 🙂


Students get instant feedback from the game. They know what they did wrong and can correct the answers immediately. The game shows why they gave the wrong answer and what is the correct one. Thanks to this, remembering and retention increase.


Who doesn’t like being rewarded? For students, receiving a reward after completing the game can be an additional motivation. For example, you can unlock the next level (if you have enough points).

Full of challenges
“You compete with yourself.” Students can view the results achieved and set goals to improve their score with each playthrough. They can also compare their own results with those of other students. The game continues!

A better learning environment
Gamification helps create real-life situations. As a result, some subjects become less abstract and more lively for students! As a result, students have a better understanding of specific situations.

Different levels of learning

It is possible to learn at your own level. For fast learners, the difficulty of the game may increase.

Disadvantages of gamification in LMS
Achievement orientation
While science requires students to get better at it, this can be a downside. There is pressure to be better than others.

Reducing the concentration period
Learning with gamification allows you to get immediate feedback and speeds up the process. Not every teaching method is as fast as gamified learning. Students can expect this from all elements of their education. This, however, may reduce their attention span.

The gap between course material and games
There may be a huge gap between the course material and the games on the market. It will decrease over time thanks to the newly emerging technology 🙂 Read more about LMS trends .

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